7/11/23 Minecraft just kind of isn't the same. It's because of all the updates.minecraft should let you play the legacy console versions via the launcher. Also Gruppa Krovi is one of the best songs ever
1/29/24 I know AI will be the death of us all, but man... look at that art 1/29/24
Same day: So, today i spent about 3 hours trying to figure out the rocket eqation, and it was ON THE BOTTOM OF THE WEBSITE. It was past all the integration and things i dont understand. For Publ
lic knowledge: Delta V = Isp*ln(Starting Mass/Ending Mass) ISP is Total Impulse In Newtons/Propellant Mass.
In case you can't tell, i am a space nerd. Rockets are just cool.
Same Day: It is absurd that we went from beeping beach balls to human beings on the moon in less than 12 years. Also, on the topic of the moon, looking at it through a telescope and seeing the surface, is amazing. Viewing is best when the moon is about half full, and dim, and look either south, north or near the terminator. The sight of the moon is made even more amazing by knowing that's what likely every single astronomer in the history of humankind, and possibly every single human, has seen.That's just plain crazy. This massive realizaton is only topped by the fact that we walked on it. Attached are photographs of beige-ish mun from KSP 2
1/30/24 Lunar surface simulant is pretty expensive... wonder how i could make it. hit slag with hammers till it's dust? ( i am looking for shape and size similatry, not chemical)